Parentis Foundation is the Non-Profit Affiliate of Parentis Health.
Parentis Health works to provide a full range of care services for the elderly based on a core belief that a dignified, empowered life should be available to everyone regardless of age, ability or state of wellness.
Corporate & Foundation Supporters
DevTo Support Foundation
Enhancing the physical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional well-being of at-risk youth and families in Orange County and the Coachella Valley.
Roosters Foundation
The Roosters Foundation is a charity and social organization, consisting of 100 professional men, with diverse backgrounds, from the greater Orange County area of Southern California.
Orange County Community Foundation
The Orange County Community Foundationpartners with generous individuals, families, foundations, and businesses to fulfill their philanthropic and financial objectives while supporting the causes they care about most.
O.L. Halsell Foundation
The O.L. Halsell Foundation is committed to assisting OC community-based groups and programs that promote social change. Our funding is limited to this geographical boundary so we can remain involved with the non-profit agencies we help support. We believe that by assisting people to take greater responsibility for their own well-being and for the communities in which they live, we can create a better future.
Kiwanis Club
The Kiwanis Club which began in 1957 is part of the Kiwanis International organization which began in 1915. It’s an organization of volunteers dedicated to globally make positive changes one child and one community at a time.
The local club, also known as the Saddleback Kiwanis Club and Saddleback Kiwanis Foundation, is dedicated to providing service and filling community needs through 28 committees in such areas as disabled persons, hospital services, education, scholarships, and many other local projects.
First Bank
First Bank is committed to supporting the efforts to combat childhood illiteracy while also enriching the lives of the older-adult volunteer tutors/mentors who provide the one-to-one literacy intervention for these struggling readers.
With 100+ years as a family-owned business First Bank understands first-hand the importance of family and community.
Draper Family Foundation
The Draper Family Foundation is pleased to make grant funding available to a select number of organizations providing programs that help disadvantaged youth from pre-school through high school reach their academic potential. The principal goal of these grants is to address the achievement gap and provide for a more just society where all students have a fair chance to succeed.
Croul Family Foundation
The Mission of the Croul Family Foundation is to focus on Orange County, California and support those organizations that are engaged in improving educational outcomes at kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Barney & Barney Foundation
The Barney & Barney Foundation is committed to giving back – serving those in need, supporting our youth, advancing the arts, standing against societal injustice, and protecting the environment.
The Rotary Club of Rancho Santa Margarita, Ladera Ranch and Coto de Caza
We bring together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Larry and Helen Hoag Foundation
The mission of The Larry and Helen Hoag Foundation is to: Educate, empower and create greater opportunity for at-risk children to become independent, productive and contributing members of society; Support medical research and technology to enhance the health and well-being of children; and Support such other compelling purposes that will enhance the quality of life for residents in Southern California as the Board shall approve.
Leo Buscaglia Foundation
The Origin of the Leo Buscaglia Foundation
“Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means.” – Leo F. Buscaglia
In 1984, Dr. Buscaglia established the Foundation to give special aid and attention to those who have dedicated themselves to the betterment of others through the art of giving. The Foundation is structured around the dynamics of sharing and giving, and influencing others to do the same, the roles of helper and helped constantly interchanging.
Citizens Business Bank
Each year our associates donate thousands of hours of community service to help honor our community commitment. Their time and talent is supported by our corporate contributions to over 300 nonprofit organizations. We believe it is important and essential to contribute to the communities where our associates live and work to help improve the lives of our friends and neighbors. — Susan Montoya, Vice President, Community Development Officer.
2019-present Experience Corps OC Program Sponsor
Henry W. and Ellen R. Warne Family Endowment Fund
Equity in Education Grant recipient.